From Onyx Coffee:
Los Conejos honeys, naturals and anaerobics represent the collaboration of two award-winning producers on the cutting edge of processing experimentation. For the past few years, Julio Ordoñez of Finca Los Conejos has worked with local coffee expert and owner of Finca La Canoa to pioneer, experiment, and perfect small to large scale production of alternative processes.
Harvest begins mid-December, and cherries are hand-picked through March. The height of harvest is the beginning of March, when the majority of workers are needed to pick ripe cherries. The farm sits amidst an old growth pine forest, with a great variety of other shade trees including cypress and encino oaks, and fruit trees such as orange, lemon, loquat, jocote, pacaya, banana, and platano rojo. Altitudes range from 1500 to 1625 MASL. The soil is a fluffy volcanic loam composition with rich compost material. Clean water for irrigation and processing is provided by three ground sources, as well as the Pinula River along the northern boundary of the farm.
In addition to rich biodiversity, Los Conejos practices multilayer cultivation, or polyculture. This approach improves the overall productivity of the farm, adds layers of income diversification, creates food security for the community, and engages long-term sustainability. Crops fruit on different cycles throughout the year, and animals need tending throughout the year. The farm has goats, chickens and rabbits, as well as bees for pollination and honey production.
chocolatey, nutty, caramelly, creamy, smooth