We're back with a hot, fresh Kenya. Great time of year. This one does what the region does best; gives you the tropical fruit with a substantial body to carry it. On first pass with this coffee we got key lime, and on the second pass; boy did we still get key lime. So it may be a reach, but we think you'll get some key lime on this one. Pineapple and papaya play second fiddle, but provide a gentle sweetness.
Kiri Factory is run by Ngiriambu Farmers Cooperative Society (FCS). Over 3,555 members deliver cherry to the station. Members of Ngiriambu FCS cultivate SL28 and SL34 varieties on small coffee gardens that are typically less than 1 hectare. Ngiriambu Factory takes every action to preserve the exceptional quality of the cherry delivered by their members.
Farmers delivering to Kiri cultivate primarily SL28 and SL34 in small coffee gardens that are, on average, smaller than 1 hectares.
Smallholders selectively handpick only ripe cherry and deliver it to Kiri Factory. At intake, the Cherry Clerk oversees meticulous visual sorting and floating, accepting only dense, ripe cherry.
After intake, cherry is pulped and fermented for approximately 24 to 36 hours. Following fermentation, coffee is washed clean water and soaked for 24 hours. Then, parchment is laid to dry on raised beds. Workers rake parchment frequently to ensure even drying. They cover drying parchment during the hottest time of day, to maintain slow, even drying and at night, to shelter parchment from moisture. It takes approximately 20 days for parchment to dry.
chocolatey, nutty, caramelly, creamy, smooth